Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network MINKE will integrate key European marine metrology research infrastructures, to coordinate their use and development and propose an innovative framework of “quality of oceanographic data” for the different European actors in charge of monitoring and managing the marine ecosystems. MINKE proposes a new vision in the design of marine monitoring networks considering two dimensions of data quality, accuracy and completeness, as the driving components of the quality in data acquisition. This new vision will be framed in a quintuple helix model of innovation, incorporating all the elements involved in the monitoring network...
Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe Extreme wildfire events (EWE) are becoming a major environmental, economic and social threat in Southern Europe and increasingly gaining importance elsewhere in Europe. As the limits of fire suppression-centered strategies become evident, practitioners, researchers and policymakers increasingly recognise the need to develop novel approaches that shift emphasis to the root causes and impacts of EWE, moving towards preventive landscape and community management for greater resilience. FIRE-RES integrates existing research, technology, civil protection, policy and governance spheres related to wildfires to innovate processes, methods and tools to effectively promote the...
RENEWABLE ENERGIES FOR AFRICA: EFFECTIVE VALORIZATION OF AGRI-FOOD WASTES Population without access to electricity is set to increase again in 2020 after 6 years of decline in Africa. The number of people gaining access to electricity in Africa has increased greatly: the number of people without access to electricity dropped from almost 860 million in 2018 to 770 million in 2019, a record low in recent years . Nonetheless, past progress is being reversed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to tackle this, the present proposal will demonstrate innovative, reliable and adapted sustainable energy solutions based on the valorization...
The power of grape extracts: antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to prevent the use of antibiotics in farmed animals NeoGiANT is an innovative action coordinated by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). NeoGiANT aims at developing a new set of products (animal feed, treatment products, sperm extenders) able to decrease the use of antibiotics on farmed animals and substitute synthetic preservatives. These new products, based on natural extracts, using an advanced isolation technique, will not only avoid the growth of microorganisms but also improve the health and welfare of the animals increasing profitability.The proposal is based on the use of...
Holistic Smart Integrated Pest Management by combining unique real-time smart pheromone based pest monitoring trap (ecoberTRAP) with novel cost-effective European pheromone production (ecoberSYTHESIS) With 12M farmers and workers, agriculture plays an important role in the EU. Pests, pathogens and weeds are responsible for annual losses of 26-40%. Increasing concerns on the effects of pesticides on the environment, and most importantly, on human health, plus the raise of organic agriculture, result in an increased use of insect pheromones for both early-alert of plagues and assisted plague control via mass trapping. Pheromones have been already used for both pest monitoring and control,...
High Accuracy, Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly Dredging Solution Dredging is an essential part of economy, allowing waterways and relevant infrastructure to operate at optimal capacity in favour of global distribution of goods.It involves the removal of particles of sand, clay, silt and other substances deposited in the bottoms of coastal areas, ports and estuaries, navigable river beds... and is necessary to maintain the draft of the ports and fill their extensions, eliminate contaminated sediments or mitigate the effects of storms, creation of land and beaches, fishing and aquaculture, etc.Impacts includes turbidity at the point of dredging and at the point of...
Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe The latest cancer statistics highlight encouraging advances in decreasing cancer-related mortality. However, given that one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and due to the growing and ageing population, the absolute number of people living with cancer is set to keep increasing substantially in the near future. The main objective of ASCAPE is to take advantage of the recent ICT advances in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support cancer patients’ quality of life and health status. To achieve its objective, ASCAPE will create an open...
Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service The Pledger project aims at delivering a new architectural paradigm and a toolset that will pave the way for next generation edge computing infrastructures, tackling the modern challenges faced today and coupling the benefits of low latencies on the edge, with the robustness and resilience of cloud infrastructures. The project will deliver a set of tools and processes that will enable a) edge computing providers to enhance the stability and performance effectiveness of their edge infrastructures, through modelling the overheads and optimal groupings of concurrently running services,...
Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 amJERICO-RI: Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories – a system of systems strengthening the European network of coastal observatories providing a powerful and structured European Research Infrastructure (RI) dedicated to observe and monitor the complex marine coastal seas and to: (i) provide services for the delivery of high quality environmental data, (ii) access to solutions and facilities as services for researchers and users, (iii) create product prototypes for EU marine core services and users, (iv) support excellence in marine coastal research to better answer societal and policy...
Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century IS_MIRRI21 aims to implement the Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) and secure its long-term sustainability. With this in mind, the mission of IS_MIRRI21 is to serve Bioscience and Bioindustry by providing (a) a broad range of high-quality biological resources and associated data, (b) long-term sustainability of microbial biodiversity, and (c) knowledge and professional development. This mission will be achieved by offering users from academia, governmental laboratories and the private sector access to a portfolio of microbial Biological Resource Centres´ (mBRC’s), services, expertise, education and training build-up and synergistically on...
AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in EUropean fish research 3.0 By integrating 40 top class European aquaculture research facilities, AQUAEXCEL3.0 provides a world-class platform for aquaculture research, from biology to technology, in all types of rearing systems, covering all major EU farmed species as well as the most promising new species.Building on two previous AQUAEXCEL projects, it will provide expanded access to high-quality services and resources, covering all scientific fields relevant to research and innovation in aquaculture, from genetics to technology through immunology, physiology and nutrition, and including new nanosensors and fish isogenic lines developed in the previous projects. AQUAEXCEL3.0 will...
IMproving Sustainable Development Policies and PrActices to assess, diversify and foster Cultural TOURism in European regions and areas The main ambition of IMPACTOUR project is to create an innovative and easy-to-use methodology and tool to measure and assess the impact of Cultural Tourism (CT) on European economic and social development and to improve Europe’s policies and practices on CT, strengthening its role as a sustainable driving force in the growth and economic development of European regions. CT has been recognized as one of the drivers of growth, jobs and economic development, as well intercultural understanding and social development in Europe...
MEMEX: MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling MEMEX promotes social cohesion through collaborative, heritage-related storytelling tools that provide access to tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage (CH) for communities at risk of exclusion. The project implements new actions for social science to: understand the NEEDS of such communities and co-design interfaces to suit their needs; DEVELOP the audience through participation strategies; while increasing the INCLUSION of communities. The fruition of this will be achieved through ground breaking ICT tools that provide a new paradigm for interaction with CH for all end user. MEMEX will create new assisted Augmented Reality (AR)...
Video Imaging Demonstrator for Earth Observation The project aims to develop a highly-disruptive Technology for an instrument offering Video Observation of Earth: an novel architecture will be demonstrated, based on state of the art technologies for mirrors (freeform), structures (additive manufacturing) & detection (new generation detector & processing chain). It will allow to answer new types of problematics and missions, anticipating the emergence of on-board smart algorithms. The VIDEO project will be a new type of instrument designed to be used with the next generation of on board processing capacity. Due to its specific & innovative technologies and architecture, the...
The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations NEOROCKS improves knowledge on physical characterization of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) for planetary defense. NEOROCKS connects expertise in performing small body astronomical observations and the related modelling needed to derive their dynamical and physical properties, to the pragmatic planetary defense approach, which aims to provide operational loops and information systems to protect citizens and ground infrastructures from potential threats.The challenge for physical characterization is to keep up with the increasing NEO discovery rate. The challenge for planetary defense is to keep up with the trend of NEO discoveries dominated by small-size objects...