
The structure of S3 Strategy System of Governance within the MAC area has been configured using a very simplified structure intending to encourage decision-making and promote active participation of the ‘Quadruple Helix’ members of the three regions around their areas of interests.

Governance Structure

Transregional Steering Group

Steering Group

This Group consists of political representatives of at least one member institution of each region, specifically one of those that currently are involved in the Innovation Regional Council of Madeira (Conselho Regional de Inovação de Madeira), the Innovation Regional Council of Azores (Conselho Regional de Inovação de Azores) and the Canary Islands Steering Group (Grupo Directivo de Canarias)


  • To evaluate the Common Smart Specialisation Strategy in the MAC Area
  • To review the compliance of high – level goals
  • To set up goals and to control those activities undertaken
  • To serve as a liaison with The European Commission supporting those decisions approved from a political and institutional perspective
  • To supervise the Transregional Management Team

Transregional Management Team

Management Team

This Team will be the responsible for implementing the Common Smart Specialisation Strategy in the MAC area, acting in accordance with what the Transregional Steering Group has established. It consists of at least one member of the Innovation Regional Council of Madeira (Conselho Regional de Inovação de Madeira), one member of the Management Team of Azores (Equipa de Gestão de Azores), one member of the Management Team of the Canary Islands and representatives of the Innovation Regional Agencies (ARDITI in Madeira, DRCT-FRCT in Azores and ACIISI in the Canary Islands)


  • To coordinate Theme Groups
  • To promote consensus among the regions
  • To implement the action plan of the Common Smart Specialisation Strategy
  • To send proposals to the Transregional Steering Group for review and evaluation of the Common Smart Specialisation Strategy
  • To prepare the Strategy implementation reports

Coordinators and Theme Groups

For each common development priority within the MAC area, there will exist a coordinator within the governance system who will take the lead of that priority in relation with the projects to be carried out. He will follow up goals, he will ensure the three regions interests etc. and he will be in charge of coordinating the Theme Group assigned to its priority.

Coordinators main task will be to manage their Theme Group and to communicate results obtained, on the one hand, to the Transregional Management Team, and on the other hand, to the other development priorities coordinators in order to identify possible synergies.

These working groups will feed on scientific and technological experts from the private, public, academic and social sphere of each region. These experts participation will be crucial as a key component to provide flexibility to R+D+i management, adding relevant information about research, business, market opportunities, needs, etc. and turning decision making in a process based on the constant adaptation of changing conditions.

Priority 1 Coordinator

Priority 2 Coordinator

Priority 3 Coordinator

Priority 4 Coordinator

Priority 5 Coordinator

Priority 6 Coordinator

Priority 1 Thematic Group

Priority 2 Thematic Group

Priority 3 Thematic Group

Priority 4 Thematic Group

Priority 5 Thematic Group

Priority 6 Thematic Group

Objective and Dimensions

The objective of this Common Governance System within the MAC area has been the establishment of a management structure which permits the creation of coordinated and integrated regional policies.

Vertical Dimension

Permits the development of a good coordination and cooperation between the decision–making different levels

Horizontal Dimension

For the consistent implementation of policies which provides at the same time the need to create synergies, especially between each of the Theme Groups in the different development priorities