The Priorities
The development priorities have been identified through an entrepreneurial discovery process in which public administrations, knowledge centers, companies and entrepreneurs together have contributed their vision on the future of the MAC Space
The three regions clearly agree that one of their priorities must be the Tourism, joining the common strategy and giving greater prominence to quality, sustainability and environmental protection.

Lines of Action
- Renovation and touristic modernization.
- Innovation for the introduction of new touristic products and the improvement of the profitability of existing ones.
- Define and consolidate specific touristic products of the MAC Space with a high differentiating component based on its natural resources and its biodiversity.
- Innovation in formulas for promotion and communication of the destination.
- Delving into knowledge about tourists that visit the MAC Space and their motivations.
- Define structure and improve the quality of the information available on the MAC Space as a touristic destination.
- Innovation in methods to develop and capture talent, sensitize the population and the business community about the importance of their integration with the touristic world, also promoting language training.
- Application of ICT in tourism.
- Promote the application of environmental sustainability principles in the value chain of the touristic sector.
One of the sectors in which RIS3-MAC has insisted significantly has been agriculture, understanding that the primary sector, and specifically agriculture, livestock, fisheries and associated industries should have a role of leadership in the priorities of the three regions. Of special interest has been the diversification of the Agri-food supply, promoting local products through a common seal of Macaronesian and the strategic importance of this sector, related to culture, landscape, maintenance and employment of the rural population, food security, etc

Lines of Action
- Identify and integrate new ecological products and ecological services in the value chain.
- Investigate the exclusive properties of MAC Space’s Agri-food products, promoting their differentiation in the national and international market.
- Performance of technological surveillance and competitive intelligence activities in MAC Space products.
- Promote the development of new companies in the areas of agriculture, fisheries and agribusiness.
- Improve the supervision of production processes.
Both Madeira and Azores set out in their Smart Specialization Strategies a priority centered on the one hand on “Resources and Technologies of the Sea”, and the other hand on “Fishing and Sea” respectively. Likewise, Canary Islands incorporated it into their RIS3 as a priority action line, “Socio-economic valuation of R&D”. This position is in turn accompanied by specialized infrastructure and R&D centres in this area, which reflects the commitment of the three regions and their development potential in the Marine-Maritime field.
Through the surveys carried out, it has been possible to reaffirm that there is still an interest in this priority and that therefore it must be common to the MAC Space, finding a high percentage of respondents who state that this priority should be maintained and besides, they make proposals for their maintenance and future strengthening

Lines of Action
- Strengthen the situation of Mac Space as an intercontinental platform (Europe, America and Africa).
- Perform activities of technological surveillance and competitive intelligence on resources/products marine of the MAC Space
- Promote the investigation of marine species in which the MAC Space can present a competitive advantage.
- Ensure environmental monitoring aimed at the sustainable exploitation of marine resources.
- Generate knowledge and excellence in marine-maritime sciences.
Circular Economy & Biosustainability
As limited and isolated territories, with this priority put the focus on the promotion of actions that allow “closing the circle” of product life cycles through greater recycling and reuse, and provide benefits to both the environment and the economy. These actions should extract the maximum value and use of all raw materials, products and waste, promoting energy savings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In short, it would be a question of transforming the resources and conditions that are available in the three regions, to make them more competitive, both from a logistic point of view (the improvement of transport being fundamental), and from the possibility of them becoming referents in the use and optimization of natural resources, forming a natural laboratory.

Lines of Action
- Develop a MAC Space Strategy for the development of sustainability.
- Promote the sustainability, efficiency and sustainable use of natural resources
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Improve knowledge about the weaknesses of the MAC Space in the face of climate change, to reduce its impact through the application of preventive and corrective measures.
- Promote the development of companies related to environmental protection.
Health & Wellness
This priority has been identified by Madeira in its RIS3 and Canary Islands by the inclusion of biotechnology and biomedicine in the priority of “Socio-economic evaluation of R&D”. It is definitely a priority of interest, identified in the SWOT analysis of the MAC Space as a strength, and with R&D structures developed in the three regions, so given its possible tractor character and its development potential, it has been decided to incorporate it into the Common Strategy of the MAC Space.

Lines of Action
- Strengthen training and research in the area of health and medical education.
- Creation of a cluster of R&D about Health that includes universities, companies and other public and private institutions of the MAC Space.
- Strengthen the communication and promotion of health tourism based on the natural benefits offered by the MAC Space for certain diseases or stages of life.
ICT: Cross Priority
Identified by Madeira and Canarias in their strategies, it is adopted as a transversal priority. Digitization comprises a wide spectrum of technologies, techniques and applications that allow an efficient automation of tasks, better contact with customers and other agents, more innovation, and better decision making based on available data. ICTs therefore constitute a fundamental tool for the execution of the policies in each identified priority.

Lines of Action
- Develop an ICT cluster of the MAC Space supporting business research.
- Promote cultural and creative activities.
- Support entrepreneurship and support the maturation of ICT-based business models.
- Provide companies in the ICT sector with greater contact with new technologies and applications.
- Promote ICT education and training, as well as the specialization of professionals.
- Promote the use of ICT in society and electronic commerce.