Listing Category
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY HARVESTING SYSTEMS BASED ON INNOVATIVE MINE WASTE RECYCLING START project primary objective is to build an innovation ecosystem in the European Union (EU) based on the development of sustainable and economically viable thermoelectric (TE) waste heat harvesting systems to be applied in heavy industry and in maritime industry as well as primary power source for off-grid sensors and IoT devices. This objective will be achieved by incorporating abundant sulphides (mainly tetrahedrite mineral series), at present an environment hazard in mine tailings, collected in five European countries, in the production of advanced sulphide p-type TE thermoelements. In contrast, current...
Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch Geo-INQUIRE will provide and enhance access to selected key data, products, and services, enabling the dynamic processes within the geosphere to be monitored and modelled at new levels of spatial and temporal detail and precision. Geo-INQUIRE aims to overcome cross-domain barriers, especially the land-sea-atmosphere environments, and will exploit innovative data management techniques, modelling and simulations methods, developments in AI and big data, and extend existing data infrastructures to disseminate these resources to the wider scientific community, including the EOSC landscape. Geo-INQUIRE benefits from a unique partnership of 51 partners consisting of major national...
Open Universal Science The Open and Universal Science (OPUS) project will develop coordination and support measures to reform the assessment of research and researchers at Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) towards a system that incentivises and rewards researchers to practise Open Science.We understand the term ‘Open Science’ to refer to practices providing open access to research outputs, early and open sharing of research, participation in open peer-review, measures to ensure reproducibility of results, involving all stakeholders in cocreation. We henceforth in this proposal employ this interpretation of Open Science with a specific focus on reforming the...
CRM-geothermal: Raw materials from geothermal fluids: occurrence, enrichment, extraction Geothermal fluids often carry high amounts of elements that the EU considers as 'critical' raw materials (CRM). Preliminary calculations show that even a single well has the potential to produce single-digit percentages of the EU needs. Combined extraction of heat and minerals maximises returns on investment, minimises environmental impact, requires no additional land use, leaves no mining legacies, has near-zero carbon footprint, and enables domestic supplies of CRM.To assess overall supply potential, CRM-geothermal will enlarge an existing geothermal fluid atlas by collecting new data and sampling wells for their CRM content...
Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living The Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living project (IDEAHL) aims at developing and testing new models and approaches of (digital) health literacy ((d)HL) intervention development and application through the co-creation of a comprehensive and inclusive EU (d)HL Strategy. The IDEAHL consortium is composed of 14 multi-disciplinary partners from 10 EU Member States, which work hand in hand with patients, citizens, and the broad socio-economic sector at local level.The project will first conduct an extensive mapping of health literacy (HL) and (d)HL research, initiatives, and projects in the EU and beyond. It will...
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals PARC is an EU-wide research and innovation partnership programme to support EU and national chemical risk assessment and risk management bodies with new data, knowledge, methods, networks and skills to address current, emerging and novel chemical safety challenges. PARC will facilitate the transition to next generation risk assessment to better protect human health and the environment, in line with the Green Deal?s zero-pollution ambition for a toxic free environment and will be an enabler for the future EU ?Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability?. It builds in part on the work undertaken and experience...
Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe The Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe (EV4EUThe Electric Vehicles Management for carbon neutrality in Europe (EV4EU) project will propose and implement bottom-up and user-centric Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) management strategies creating the conditions for the mass deployment of electric vehicles. The strategies will consider the impact on batteries, the needs of the users, power systems, the integration with energy markets, and cities’ transformation. The proposed V2X management strategies will be tested in four demonstration sites, allowing an evaluation of the proposed methodologies and tools, the definition of the appropriate implementation conditions,...
Substellar Science with the Euclid Space Mission Euclid is a space mission led by the European Space Agency (ESA) to conduct a deep, single-epoch survey of 15,000 deg2 of sky with visible and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy, and 40 deg2 multi-epoch very deep surveys. Its primary science goal is to investigate the geometry of the dark universe by mapping the distribution and shapes of galaxies.The unprecedented combination of sensitivity, areal coverage, spatial resolution, data homogeneity and spectral information will naturally be of tremendous benefit to other areas of astrophysics. Two Euclid Independent Legacy Science (ILS) programs have been designated by...
The European Biodiversity Partnership Being one of the main actions of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, the European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+) will coordinate research programmes between EU and its Member States and Associated Countries, mobilising environmental authorities as key partners for implementing biodiversity research and innovation, along with ministries of research, funding organisations, and environmental protection agencies (75 organisations from 37 countries). Biodiversa+ has five overarching objectives: (1) improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe (status and trends); (2) generate actionable knowledge to tackle the direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss; (3) expand and improve the evidence...
Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium EUROfusion’s updated Fusion Research Roadmap aims to acquire the necessary knowledge to start constructing a demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO) five years after ITER is in full-power operation. DEMO will deliver fusion electricity to the grid early in the second half of the century. The Roadmap has been articulated in eight different Missions. The present proposal has the goal of implementing the activities described in the Roadmap during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members...
INTEGRATED DigitaL Framework FOR Comprehensive MARITIME DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICES ILIAD builds on the assets resulting from two decades of investments in policies and infrastructures for the blue economy and aims at establishing an interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO). It capitalizes on the explosion of new data provided by many different earth sources, advanced computing infrastructures (cloud computing, HPC, Internet of Things, Big Data, social networking, and more) in an inclusive, virtual/augmented, and engaging fashion to address all Earth Data challenges. It will contribute towards a sustainable ocean economy as defined by the Centre for...
Gliders for Research, Ocean Observations and Management: Infrastructure and Innovation Underwater and surface drones, in particular gliders, have become essential vehicles to carry scientific payloads for most environmental observations from the surface down to 6000m and for activities supporting the blue economy. Their major advantages are being mobile, steerable, persistent and usable in large numbers and at relatively low costs. However, the distributed infrastructure required to exploit these assets must be able to meet different demands from research and monitoring of the marine environment, to public service missions and industry needs, requiring customised payloads and operations. The rapid evolution of...
National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC The EuroCC activity will bring together the necessary expertise to set up a network of National Competence Centres in HPC across Europe in 31 participating, member and associated states, to provide a broad service portfolio tailored to the respective national needs of industry, academia and public administrations. All of this to support and increase strongly the national strengths of High Performance Computing (HPC) competences as well as High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities and to close existing gaps to increase usability of these technologies in the different states...
The first Hybrid Power Unit Retrofit Solution for airplanes BLU-SPARK aims at designing, developing and testing the first parallel hybrid airplane ever produced offering the pilot top dynamic performances, more flying safety and environment protection. The proposed hybrid airplane will represent a quantic step in the general aviation industry, bringing new benefits such as: more power with boost mode, increased climbing rate when necessary, back up propulsion in case of failure of the internal combustion engine, energy savings (ensuing strong reduction of overall greenhouse gas emissions); zero gas and noise emissions in airports; reduced dependence on fossil fuels; cost savings...
CHromospheric magnetic fields in fLAREs and their evolution This research project aims to study the variations of the solar magnetic field in flares, the most energetic events in our solar system. Flares accelerate charged particles into space, which may adversely affect satellites and Earth’s technology. Despite their clear importance for today’s technology, the timing and positioning when flares occur are so far unpredictable. Changes in the solar magnetic field topology are known to be the causes for flares, but their physics is not understood in detail. Past studies have shown prominent changes of the magnetic field in the photosphere during...