Instituto de Investigação em Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente dos Açores – IITAAA – Uac

Instituto de Investigação em Tecnologias Agrárias e do Ambiente dos Açores - IITAAA - Uac

The Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Technology (IITAA) is an organic unit within the University of The Azores that performs research on Agricultural Science and Environment, mainly oriented towards sustainability, applied climatology, global change, animal and agricultural science, food science and bioactivity of natural products.

IITA-A is organized in three groups:

1 – Agricultural and Animal Science

2 – Food Science and Health

3 – Climate, Environment and Landscape.

IITAA combines fundamental and applied sciences with the aim of contributing to the society benefit. In accordance with the present societal challenges, IITAA focuses on sustainability of natural and food resources, climate and global change and its effects, and how these particularities can provide global knowledge.