Terra Verde - Associação de Produtores Agrícolas dos Açores
Terra Verde is a non-profit association which objective is to safeguard the rights and interests of Azorean farmers. Its motto “ Give life to Agriculture in the Azores” and for this reason we establish partnerships with all the entities and companies who allows development, innovation and technology in Agriculture. Promote education and transmission of knowledge is one of our goals.
Terra Verde tries to bring know-how, solutions for pests and diseases of the cultures, promote sustainable agriculture and reduce production costs. We also try to reach the consumers in order to help them to do a conscious choice of regional products for it’s quality, for their quality, safety and freshness.
- Listing ID: 869
- Region: Azores
- Priority: Agroindustry
- Web: https://www.facebook.com/AssociacaoTerraVerde/