R + D + i Center of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, integrated into the University Institute of Cybernetic Sciences and Tenologies as a division. The general objective is to collaborate, in an active and practical way, in the design and implementation of a sustainable model for the Information Society, based on the appropriate and intensive use of Information Technology in the fields of: training and learning (e-Learning), the company (e-Business), and the Administration (e-Government).
The Canary Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC) started in 2000 as an Association of Canary researchers aware of the problems of cancer in the Canaries who deciced to get organised at a regional level to address the challenge of researching into the causes of cancer. ICIC was constituted as a non-profit, permanent, scientific corporation, formed by researchers on basic and clinical research of cancer (doctors, biologists, pharmacists, psychologists, sociologists, etc.), with professional activities in their respective fields in the Canaries Autonomy, under the legal regime of Law of Associations. It is a multidisciplinary institute since its comprises seven professional fields...
The CANARY FOUNDATION OF HEALTH RESEARCH (FUNCANIS) it is a Canarian foundation of general interest, without any lucrative end, with its own legal personality. Its purpose is to promote and support research in the field of health sciences to contribute to the prevention of disease, to the promotion and protection of health, to the treatment and rehabilitation of the disease and to raise the level of knowledge about the health of the population, as well as manage the investigation of the Canary Health Service that is entrusted to it by this body. All this within the framework of the policies...
The Materno Infantil Hospital has a history of more than 30 years. It began its activity in 1982, most of the professionals of the health center came from the former Hospital Nuestra Señora del Pino. Today, the Materno Infantil Insular Hospital Complex is the largest health center in the Canary Islands. In addition, it is distinguished as a Hospital with a long teaching and research tradition. With 4,852 professionals and with advanced technology, it is a reference for the entire Canary Islands in the treatment of Hearing Loss, in the assistance to patients with Spinal Injuries, in the treatment of...
Multidisciplinary groups of several Services of the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín, in collaboration with other health centers and Canarian, national and international academic centers, develop the following Research Lines: allergy; genetic basis of systemic infections; cancer; connective tissue diseases; neurodegenerative diseases; hypertension and cardiovascular diseases; antibiotic resistant infections; and respiratory infections.
The Research Unit of the University Hospital Ntra Sra de Candelaria carries out its research activity focusing on the areas that include the most prevalent diseases of the population. On the one hand, we contemplate molecular and cellular technologies and tools necessary to generate new knowledge and its transfer to clinical practice in the area of health, diagnosis and follow-up of diseases, monitoring of the therapeutic response, disease prevention and development of new medicines. On the other hand, we include translational research, which focuses on the knowledge of the mechanisms involved in diseases and their transfer to clinical applications.
The Canarian University Hospital Complex (HUC) is a public hospital center under the Ministry of Health of the Government of Canary Islands, located in Tenerife. The HUC has an old and close relationship with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of La Laguna and a great tradition in the training professionals. The teaching and research capacity, in accordance with a high level of specialization, guarantees its as a reference center of the Autonomous Community of an innovative nature that make it a pioneer when incorporating the latest technological advances.
The Institute of Biomedical Technologies (ITB) aims to enhance biomedical research of excellence, with translational guidance in relation to the biosanitary needs of the environment, establishing synergies with the productive sector and developing renewable strategic plans.
The University Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health of the Canary Islands it is a multidisciplinary institution, dependent on the University of La Laguna, composed of professors, researchers and professionals related to the field of Public Health and Biotechnology, and whose main function is research , development and innovation in these fields. By decree 59/2013, of May 16, the Canary Islands Gold Medal was granted to the University Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health of the Canary Islands.
The ITC Department of Biomedical Engineering develops innovative devices, implants and specific instruments, with applications in orthopedic, cardiovascular and traumatology surgery, with a focus on minimally invasive surgery and development of new generation of resorbable biopolymer manufacturing processes with applications in tissue engineering.
The Local Energy Management Agency of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ALGE-LPGC) it is an autonomous body guided by Municipality of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria that began its journey in 2007, although its implementation and activity did not begin to become effective until 2008. It was established within the framework of the CIP-IEE Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Commission. The overall objective of ALGE is to promote energy savings and efficiency and the implementation of renewable energies, promoting the development of a more sustainable energy model from the local level.
With the aim of stimulate Energy Saving and Efficiency actions in the island of Tenerife, the Cabildo Insular of Tenerife encouraged the creation of the Agencia Insular de Energía de Tenerife. The proposal was submitted to the “Intelligent Energy-Europe” program, VI EU Framework Program, together with the islands of Samsø (Denmark) and Iceland. The Agencia Insular de Tenerife was constituted as Foundation on the 26th of July of 2005. Several actors representing different sectors implied in the Agency activities and beneficiaries of these actions actively participate as members of the Insular Agency. Our Main Target: to develop scientific and technical...
Cluster in Sustainable Construction (CCS) was created in 2009 as a professional and entrepreneurial organization of canarian field and independent character, and since then aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable economic model for the sector of Construction. CCS is formed of business and professional actors that encompass the construction value chain (architecture, energy, water, materials, engineering, home automation, I+D, planning) all committed to sustainability and each specialized to develop this commitment in their field of knowledge.
The Laboratory of Geosciences of Lanzarote (LGL) was created in 1986 and has three permanent observation modules located in Cueva de los Verdes, Jameos del Agua and Timanfaya National Park. Its facilities carry out multidisciplinary research activities in Geosciences, including observations related to geodynamic activity (gravity, seismicity, geodesy, etc.), the ocean-earth-atmosphere system, monitoring in underground systems or studies of terrestrial analogues, among others.
The Botanical Garden "Viera y Clavijo" it is dedicated to the conservation and management of the terrestrial Flora Canaria through three main areas of action: research, environmental education (including outreach) and the maintenance and exhibition of living collections of terrestrial plants, especially endemisms of the Canary Islands and Macaronesia, but also of areas to the planet that maintaining floristic connections with the Canary Islands.